Baby Coady has reached full term! Born any time after this point, Baby Coady would likely be fine and thrive. The average fetus measures 18.9 to 20.9 inches at this point and weighs in between 6.2 and 9.2 pounds. That explains why Momma doesn't have much room in either her belly or her bladder. Baby Coady will spend these last few weeks preparing for life outside the womb. This includes practicing all sorts of neat tricks, such as blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling...hiccupping...Little C is also developing meconium in his/her intestines.
Sleeping continues to be a bit uncomfortable, some nights more than others. The whole hydration battle is still on. Melissa is pretty sure she hits the bathroom at least once every hour or so during the day. Other "issues" that are becoming more noticeable include constant hoisting of britches, difficulty bending to put on socks and shoes, bumping into things with the giant belly. The whole end of the day swollen feet and ankles thing is kind of gross (and won't be missed).
15 years ago
The last few weeks are pretty hard but hang in there it will be over soon. Then you will have the sweetest baby!