NestBaby Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 39

Holy cow we're at week 39! Baby Coady is somewhere between 18.9 and 20.9 inches in length and probably weighs between 6.2 and 9.2 pounds. Melissa is hoping that Lil' C is somewhere in the middle of that weight range! Baby C is readier to meet the world with every passing day (though we're still showing no signs of labor getting started). Patience is a virtue, another week of "cooking" would be just fine...especially since there are a few things that the parents-to-be should finish before the big day arrives. Starting projects a week or so before the due date is a great motivational tool!

Melissa continues to feel well, eat well, and rest well. She's even feeling a bit more energetic, though that could just be her increased excitement!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We heart Bamboo Flooring

Dan is steadily working on removing the last bits of carpet-related nonsense from Baby Coady's room to get it ready for the bamboo flooring installation. The carpet was rolled up and shoved out the window earlier this evening, as was the carpet pad (and there was much rejoicing!). Given that the previous owners had installed new carpet throughout the house, it's only 5 to 8 years old. That said, carpet is disgusting. I mean really, scary, gross, I-can't-believe-I-ever-put-my-bare-feet-on-that-thing kind of icky. Apparently, carpets make great filters for uber-fine particles. I'm sure carpet pads make great sponges for everything else (and the previous owners had a small dog).

Did we mention that we're installing bamboo flooring in the nursery? Yeah, this is why.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Yesterday afternoon came and went with another weekly visit to the doctor. All is well. Melissa is measuring at 38 cm (Dan kept this week's tape, just in case it's the last one...) and, according to the doctor, is 1 cm dilated. While that doesn't mean anything relative to the start of labor, Melissa chooses to look at it as 10 percent progress. Accurate? No, but she can make numbers say whatever she wants!

I tie my shoes like an old man

I realized during a meeting the other week that I have been reduced to tying my shoes like an old man. I cross one leg over the other, resting my ankle on my knee. This results in a "bow" on the inside edge of the shoe. Just like an old man at work. So sad...

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Different Kind of Countdown...

Melissa's countdown to her final day of [pre-maternity leave] work has begun! As of the end of business this Friday, May 1, she will have wrapped up and transitioned her projects as much as is humanly possible. While she's still feeling good and up to the day-to-day aspects of her job, she's looking forward to the pre-baby (fingers crossed!) break to devote more of her time to nesting (i.e. cleaning, at home, as well as spending some quality pre-baby time with Dan and the furbabies.

Baby "stuff" organizational suggestions are welcome. She's thinking by category for gear (e.g. bedding/bath linens, diapering, feeding, toys) and age for clothing (newbie, 0-3 months, 3-6 months). Any practical/tried and true wisdom will be appreciated!

Oh, yes, and we will leave you with this.

Western MA Baby Shower

Baby Coady was celebrated with a shower hosted by Melissa's parents (at their home in Northampton) and dear friends Carrie Hawkins and KellyAnne McKeown. Saturday was a gorgeous day for a party and it was wonderful to visit with so many people who are excited to meet Lil' C when he/she decides to make an appearance (and to enjoy such delicious food!). Everyone was exceedingly generous. We can't imagine actually needing anything more than what we've got for the little one!

From Baby Coady Blog

Click here for more photos of the shower.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Almost ready

We have the crib set up and need to put some sheets on, but otherwise it is ready to go. We still need to do a little clearing out and cleaning of the room.
Oh, yeah! We still need to put in the Bamboo flooring that you can see acclimating under the crib.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Week 38

Difficult to believe, but we're in week 38 of our pregnancy with only 2-ish weeks to go (though it could be as long as 4...fingers crossed we don't go that far past the estimated due date!). According to the average figures out there, Baby Coady probably weighs around 7 pounds, measures about 20 inches, and has "plumped" up a bit. Baby's organs have matured and are now ready for life outside the womb. If Baby C is born with blue eyes (most likely since Mom has blue/gray eyes and Dad has green eyes), it's a toss up as to whether or not they'll stay blue/gray or turn green/hazel.

Still no Braxton Hicks contractions to report, just some "relatively minor" swelling of the feet and ankles at the end of the day. Relatively minor is in quotes because that's how the OB referred to it. Melissa calls them cankles. The swelling is likely to disappear within (up to) a month of the baby's birth. Melissa should plan on packing her bag, to the extent practicable, soon (or get it started and make a list at the very least).

Other than the swelling, Melissa is feeling great. Good enough to feel confident in working up through the end of next week and looking at Friday, May 1 as the last pre-maternity leave day in the office. The fun didn't end with last night's meeting (in Auburn) and won't end with tonight's meeting (in Agawam). She has managed to schedule a couple more site visits (tomorrow in Belchertown, Saturday AM in Auburn) and will attend a MEPA consultation session in Raynham next week. None of these are solo and all are subject to reconsideration if anything relative to her health changes. Right now, she's just having fun with feeling so good and seeing the looks on peoples faces!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's getting more real

We now have the infant car seat and an extra base. Funny, this makes it seem far more real than the crib...and the bassinet...and the cute little newborn sized onesies...and all the other baby gear...

Monday, April 20, 2009

More Baby Gear!

I can't believe we have been fortunate enough to receive more baby gear hand-me-downs! A wonderful coworker has contributed a baby tub, portable/kitchen-chair mounted high chair, bottle drying rack, assortment of BPA-free bottles and a few other odds and ends to the Coady household. We're very happy to be able to provide another layer of life to so many gently used items.

One item we won't be getting secondhand is the carseat. Dan and I are probably off to pickup the infant carseat tomorrow PM. Though I'm not showing any signs of labor (thank goodness!), I'll definitely feel better knowing the seat has been installed and inspected (likely courtesy of the Northampton Fire Department since our fair city ran out of grant money to fund a similar program and no longer offers the service).

Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 37

Baby Coady has reached full term! Born any time after this point, Baby Coady would likely be fine and thrive. The average fetus measures 18.9 to 20.9 inches at this point and weighs in between 6.2 and 9.2 pounds. That explains why Momma doesn't have much room in either her belly or her bladder. Baby Coady will spend these last few weeks preparing for life outside the womb. This includes practicing all sorts of neat tricks, such as blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling...hiccupping...Little C is also developing meconium in his/her intestines.

Sleeping continues to be a bit uncomfortable, some nights more than others. The whole hydration battle is still on. Melissa is pretty sure she hits the bathroom at least once every hour or so during the day. Other "issues" that are becoming more noticeable include constant hoisting of britches, difficulty bending to put on socks and shoes, bumping into things with the giant belly. The whole end of the day swollen feet and ankles thing is kind of gross (and won't be missed).

We Graduated!

Last night was the last in our series of Childbirth 101 classes. Apparently, we're now qualified to have a baby...The class ended with a tour of the Childbirth Center at Cooley-Dickinson Hospital where we plan to have the baby. It seems like a very nice facility. Clean, quiet, modern, comfortable...Jacuzzi tubs in each delivery room...We're looking forward to being there in a few short weeks!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lunch Hour!

Melissa's extremely kind and generous (female) coworkers surprised her with a lunch hour shower today. Too bad she almost missed it...It was very touching to see how many took time out of their busy schedules to celebrate Baby Coady.
From Baby Coady Blog

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week 36

Baby Coady is now gaining about an ounce a day. Too bad Mom's stomach, but not appetite, is shrinking. Baby C is shedding most of the downy hair that covered his/her body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected his/her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Baby C is also getting ready for birth since he/she is getting into a head down position. Speaking of birth, next week the baby will be considered full term.

Mom- and Dad-to-be are upping the pace of house readiness for the baby's arrival. The crib has been assembled (minus mattress and bedding since there will most likely be another dust-creating project very soon...moving the door to the baby's room in preparation for the major dust creating addition/renovations to come), some bedding (thanks Auntie Moe!) has been washed and is waiting to go, and the blankets, hooded towels, onesies, etc... are just looking unbearably cute.

This baby thing has turned into a really good motivational tool. was our friend last week. It helped find homes for a bunch of items (e.g. blankets, curtains, throw pillows) that have been living in our basement and taking up valuable storage space for years now. Some furniture has been shifted around the house and a few pieces are finding new homes (either temporary or permanent) outside our house.

Melissa took the baby to Church for Palm Sunday today (Russian Orthodox Easter is next weekend...this year). Baby Coady is going to have lots of surrogate grandmothers and aunts, one of whom has a particularly good sense of humor. She overheard someone asking if we knew whether we were having a boy or a girl. She chimed in with "if it's not a boy, I can guarantee it's a girl." Standing in Church all morning definitely took more energy than expected. Melissa arrived home, to be followed by Dan about 5 minutes later. Dan was pretty chilled and tired after a long, windy, cold ride. It all created the perfect setting for a family nap. Dan, Melissa, Scarlett, Itty...and Baby Coady, of course. We probably sacked out for an hour or more. Life is good.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Getting Down to the Wire

We're down to weekly appointments with the OB now. First and second trimesters were monthly, first two months of the third trimester were biweekly, and now we're getting down to the wire. Too bad it essentially took until now for us to figure out the whole practical reading material while waiting thing. The down side is that the doctors' office isn't exactly punctual. The up side is that the reasons they're typically running late have to do with their responsiveness to their patients who are in emergency situations. Given the options, we'd rather wait a few minutes longer.

That said, Melissa is extremely happy with the personalities of all the OBs in the practice. The nurses have been great and the admin staff, too.

Baby Showah in Quinzee

Baby Coady was celebrated with a lovely surprise baby shower (masterminded by Gamoo/Rosemary) at Matt and Natalie's home in Quincy on Saturday, April 4. Though Maureen and the twins get the prize for distance traveled to share in the day, Molly Z gets the prize for being the only non-relative to brave the event! Marie and Sarah get extra special credit for the amazing bird quilt (sorry, no pics available at the moment). Everyone gets credit and our thanks for being a part of the day.

It was wonderful to see everyone and those from the Eastern MA contingent who couldn't be there were missed. All were over-the-top generous and we can't wait to introduce Baby Coady to the loving family (and extended family) who are waiting to meet him/her.

p.s. Melissa napped practically the entire drive home...thank goodness Dan is a saint, especially with the night driving!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 35

Baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now. Average length is over/around 18 inches and weight is somewhere around 5.25 pounds. Kidneys are fully developed by this point and the liver can process some waste products. Since most of the basic physical development is now complete, baby will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Mom is definitely feeling the lack of space for baby to move around, but all is well. Baby is especially fond of jamming his/her bum under Mom's ribcage while she's driving. Oh well. Mom is also realizing that she and Dad need to work out the birth plan and get a bag ready for the hospital in the next couple weeks. It would probably be a good idea for Mom to clear stuff (furniture, books) out of the "nursery" so the crib and changing table can be set up. Perhaps the door will be moved (to accommodate future renovation plans) first to avoid contaminating the baby gear with drywall dust. I'm sure we'll get to that before the baby is born...

At this point, the appointments with the OB go from every two weeks to every week (and Mom's trip to the bathroom are at a rate of something like once per hour during waking hours...does that count as exercise?).