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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Growing a person is hard work...

...and I've had a relatively easy time so far. No "morning" sickness, no funky out-of-control cravings, no sore back, no swelling...yet. I have noticed that my stomach muscles have lost their willingness to stretch vertically now that they're being forced in other directions. I can usually retrieve or return our salad bowls to the top of the cabinets, no problem. No problem until the other day, that is. It's now a task that has to wait for Dan, or I have to climb on the counter.

I'm also surprised at how quickly it became uncomfortable to bend at the waist, either to put on shoes and socks or to pick something up off the floor. I've got quite a collection of paperclips and binder clips on the floor of my office. Supply and demand. I've got plenty in a drawer that's easy to reach, so the demand to pick them up isn't very great. This approach was fine until I dropped the engineer's scale on the floor. My options were 1) to pick it up, 2) to ask a neighbor to help out or 3) to use a metric scale. Since I wasn't done working with the scale and the site plans were in English units, I had to choose option #1 since #2 was too embarrassing and I want to save it for later when I'm sure I'll really need it, and #3 would be a total pain. I survived, go figure.


  1. Wow - I can't believe the whole reaching aspect. I'm already short - imagine when i get preggo?! Matt will just have to do everything - or lower the cabinets! Can't wait to see you again!

  2. It makes you wonder how people can be extemely overweight with huge bellies and do everyday tasks.
